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Publicated date: 24-03-2017
A new interface was recently launched to connect the ‘My Account’ environments of the NN Group and ING pension funds. As a pension fund participant, you can now see your pension entitlements in multiple pension funds and make adjustments through a single point of access. The interface, also called a ‘shell’, was developed to address the wish expressed by the participants, the employers and the pension funds to simplify pension-related matters.
Publicated date: 24-03-2017
Het verantwoordingsorgaan van NN CDC Pensioenfonds heeft twee vacatures voor de geleding namens de werknemers. Er zijn twee kandidaten voor de vacatures. Mochten zich voor 7 april 2017 nieuwe kandidaten melden, dan schrijft het fonds verkiezingen uit.
Publicated date: 20-03-2017
NN CDC Pensioenfonds’ funding ratios as at 28 February 2017 are known. The funding ratio is 109% and the policy funding ratio is 105%.
Publicated date: 06-03-2017
NN CDC Pensioenfonds publishes quarterly reports on its website, providing information on the fund’s financial position, its investments, its communications and its management decisions during the reported quarter.
Publicated date: 28-02-2017
The managing board of NN CDC Pensioenfonds has established its remuneration policy for the members of its managing board, supervisory board and supervisory committee. The remuneration policy takes effect on 1 January 2017, coinciding with the implementation date of the new governance model. The remuneration is based on fees paid for similar positions in the market and on the standards for time spent published by the Dutch central bank (DNB). Efficiency gains resulting from the pension fund’s close collaboration with ING CDC Pensioenfonds have been taken into account.
Publicated date: 20-02-2017
NN CDC Pensioenfonds’ funding ratios as at 31 January 2017 are known. The funding ratio is 109% and the policy funding ratio is 104%.
Publicated date: 18-02-2017
The winter edition of NN CDC Pensioenfonds’ digital newsletter ‘Special’ has been published. The Special reports on the annual increase for 2016, value transfer, key figures and questions like ‘will partner pension reduce my old age pension?’.
Publicated date: 19-01-2017
NN CDC Pensioenfonds’ funding ratios as at 31 December 2016 are known. The funding ratio is 106% and the policy funding ratio is 104%.
Publicated date: 12-01-2017
The Dutch central bank (DNB) has approved the appointment of the candidates nominated for membership of the supervisory committee. The chairman of the committee, Irene Vermeeren, looks forward to working together with the managing board of NN CDC Pensioenfonds and feels confident about the committee’s supervisory role.
Publicated date: 10-01-2017
NN CDC Pensioenfonds tries to increase pensions of current and former NN Group employees and pensioners each year, in line with the price index. An increase will not be possible in 2016. The omitted increase may be granted in a future year.