At NN CDC Pensioenfonds, we carry out the administration of your pension plan with the greatest possible care. NN CDC Pensioenfonds wants to provide you with clarity about your pension and help you make well-informed pension choices that tie in with your phase of life. And yet, unfortunately, it could so happen that you disagree with something.
We have in place a clear complaints policy, which we act on with due care. Below, you will find the steps in more detail and an explanation of the procedure in an infographic.

We take all complaints very seriously. No matter what your complaint is about, you can always submit it – no need to doubt about that. We consider any form of discontent a complaint. You can submit your complaint to the AZL Pension Desk. AZL is our administrator, responsible for your pension accrual and pension overviews, and for the payment of pension benefits.
There are several ways to submit your complaint:
- fill in the contact form on the website:
- send an email to the Pension Desk:
- call telephone number:088 - 1162 421
- or send a letter to:
The Pension Desk of NN CDC Pensioenfonds
P.O. Box 4471
6401 CZ Heerlen
It is important that you always include your client number and telephone number when you submit a complaint. Your client number is specified on all our correspondence and in your UPO (Uniform Pension Overview). You will receive a confirmation of receipt within two weeks. We always try to respond to a complaint within six weeks. If we need more time, we will notify you.
If you are not satisfied with our response, you may submit an objection to the Complaints Committee within six weeks after the date of our response.
2. Complaints Committee
You may submit an objection to the Complaints Committee if you disagree with our response or with the way your complaint was handled. The Complaints Committee is an executive body of ING CDC Pensioenfonds. The Committee will read and review your complaint and the correspondence involved.
How to contact the Complaints Committee:
- by email: - by telephone at 088 - 1162 421
- or by sending a letter to:
NN CDC Pensioenfonds
attention Complaints Committee
P.O. Box 22028
1100 CA Amsterdam
Please note that objections submitted by per email can be handled most quickly.
Please always include your client number and telephone number. You will find your client number on all our correspondence and in your Uniform Pension Overview (UPO). You will receive a confirmation of receipt within two weeks. In most cases, the Complaints Committee will send you its reply within six weeks. If it takes longer than expected, we will notify you.
If the Complaints Committee rejects your objection and you disagree with that, you may turn to the Ombudsman for Pensions, which is an independent institution that handles complaints and disputes regarding the administration of pension regulations.
3. Ombudsman
The Ombudsman for Pensions* is an independent institution that handles complaints and disputes regarding the administration of pension regulations. More information about the Ombudsman for Pensions is available on the website:
Please send your complaint and correspondence concerning your complaint by email to:
* We expect that this will be the 'pension funds dispute authority' from January 1, 2024.
Please note that the complaints policy and the complaints regulations are Dutch only. For the complete text of our complaints policy and the complaints regulations, click here: