If you want to transfer your pension accrual to your new employer's pension fund, you can. We call this a value transfer. To help you decide whether or not to request a value transfer, you can use the pension fund's comparison tool ‘Pensioenvergelijker’
As is the case for all pension accruals at NN CDC Pensioenfonds, your pension is dependent on the pension fund's financial position. Depending on that position, your pension can be increased by indexation or it can be reduced.
Once a year, we post a summary for you in ’My Pension’. The summary gives you an indication of the amount of pension benefits you could get from NN CDC Pensioenfonds, according to current estimations, from the day your turn 68.
There are multiple reasons why your employment at NN or NN IP could end: dismissal, resignation, occupational disability, starting your own business or taking early retirement. More details on how these situations affect your pension can be found at Life events.
Even if you no longer work at NN or NN IP, some changes in your life could affect your pension. Inform us if:
- The details on your annual pension overview (UPO) are incorrect
- Your relationship ends
- You have a new email address
If you have any questions, please contact the Pension Desk. Or check our tips in ‘What you should know.'