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Publicated date: 17-12-2015
Is pension a topic you never think about? In 2015, your pension fund published numerous news items! To name a few, the pension plan was modified, the Pension Planner went live and the fund has been confronted with a reserve deficit since 30 September.
Publicated date: 17-12-2015
NN CDC Pensioenfonds’ funding ratios as at 30 November 2015 are known. The funding ratio is 110% and the policy funding ratio is 114%.
Publicated date: 04-12-2015
Staying on top of your pension has never been so easy. All you ever wanted to know about your pension at NN CDC Pensioenfonds, fund developments and background stories of colleagues of your age, is now gathered in the Special.
Publicated date: 26-11-2015
ING CDC Pensioenfonds has had a reserve deficit since 30 September 2015, as its policy funding ratio fell below the funding ratio required by law.
Publicated date: 26-11-2015
NN CDC Pensioenfonds publishes quarterly reports on its website, providing information on the fund’s financial position, its investments, its communications and its management decisions during the reported quarter.
Publicated date: 12-11-2015
NN CDC Pensioenfonds’ funding ratios as at 31 October 2015 are known. The funding ratio is 110% and the policy funding ratio is 116%.
Publicated date: 14-10-2015
NN CDC Pensioenfonds’ funding ratios as at 30 September 2015 are known. The funding ratio is 108% and the policy funding ratio is 117%.
Publicated date: 05-10-2015
NN CDC Pensioenfonds has announced that it started investing in the Dutch housing market on 1 October. Following a thorough selection procedure, the pension fund chose housing fund ASR to add to its real estate allocation, as part of its return portfolio.
Publicated date: 30-09-2015
On 1 September 2015, Peggy Wilson stepped down from her position as board member of NN CDC Pensioenfonds. She was a board member on behalf of trade union CNV, and resigned when the union requested her to fill the vacancy of board member at the Pension Fund Grafische Bedrijven (PGB).
Publicated date: 17-09-2015
NN CDC Pensioenfonds’ funding ratios as at 31 August 2015 are known. The funding ratio is 109% and the policy funding ratio is 119%.