We regularly receive questions about the new pension system. Such as: “I am no longer building up pension in NN CDC Pensioenfonds. Will my accrued pension rights stay in the old pension system?”
The new pension system is scheduled to take effect on 1 January 2027 at the latest. Regardless of whether you are still working or already retired – it will apply to all of us.
Closed pension fund
On 1 October 2022, the accrual of pension in NN CDC Pensioenfonds was discontinued for employees of NN. Visit our website with frequently asked questions and news items to find out more about the implications for your pension.
The future of the pension fund
The board of NN CDC Pensioenfonds is preparing for the future, in close consultation with the social partners (NN and the trade unions). It will put the interests of the participants first, no matter what. The pension fund has not yet made a decision about its future. Please bear in mind that this process could take some time. We will keep you informed.
We can imagine you might have questions about the new pension system. You can get in touch with: bestuursbureau@nn.cdcpensioen.nl. We will send you our reply within several days.