On Thursday 25 august, the Dutch government is opening a new website, onsnieuwepensioen.nl, to provide you with general information about its proposal for new pension rules in the Netherlands. If the Lower and Upper Houses of Parliament approve the proposal, the new rules are expected to take effect on 1 January 2023. The Future of Pensions Act (Wet toekomst pensioenen) is the result of a broad package of agreements made between the Dutch cabinet and the social partners in 2019.
The new pension rules will affect the retirement income of millions of people in the Netherlands. Through its new website – onsnieuwepensioen.nl – the Ministry provides a simple explanation of how pension works, why the pension system is being changed, what will remain the same and what is set to change. Each topic starts with a short overall explanation, an animation and a list of answers to frequently asked questions. The website also gives a practical summary of what individuals can do in order to increase their income for later in life.
As a result of the new rules for employers’ pension plans, you will get a better view of what you are paying into your pension plan and how much pension you are building up. Under the new rules, your pension will be more adaptable to fluctuations in the economy. People nowadays tend to switch jobs more often, take a break from their job for a while or start their own business. The new pension rules reflect these changes in society.
Would you like to find out what impact the new rules will have on your pension at NN CDC Pensioenfonds? Go to the pension fund’s page New Pension System for up-to-date information on everything that's relevant to you.