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Insight into your pension and that of your loved ones
As you’ve undoubtedly heard, your pension in NN CDC Pensioenfonds stopped accruing with effect from 1 October. You will keep all pension entitlements you built up in this pension fund, for yourself and for your loved ones. How can you find out how much that is?
Open your annual pension overview (UPO) to see how much pension you accrued until 31 December 2021. You can do this by logging into ‘My Pension’ with your DigiD.
For a comprehensive view
Over the next few months, the pension fund will be adapting its administrative systems to the new situation. Unfortunately, this means the amounts in Mijnpensioenoverzicht, My Pension and the Pension Planner will not be visible for a while.
If you don't want to wait that long, you could do the following to find out how much pension you’ve built up.
- Use your DigiD to go to Mijnpensioenoverzicht and download the pages showing the pension rights you’ve built up through your current pension plan and any previous employers’ pension plans. Your Dutch state pension (AOW) is also specified in your UPO.
- Use your DigiD to open ‘My Pension’. Page 1 of your UPO shows your pension accrual in NN CDC Pensioenfonds as at 31 December 2021. You can ignore the potential amount of pension benefits, because from 1 October 2022 you no longer build up pension rights in the fund.
- Add up the amounts specified in Mijnpensioenoverzicht and your UPO to get a comprehensive view. That will help you estimate how much income you'll have when you retire and whether that will be enough.
“My retirement is not so far away now. Can the pension fund help me?”
Our Pension Desk is there to help you
Is your retirement starting soon and could you use some help? Or do you need a summary of your pension, for instance for a mortgage application? We can help you! Please get in touch with our Pension Desk for an up-to-date summary of your pension in NN CDC Pensioenfonds. If you are considering early retirement, we can explain your choices, such as varying the amounts of your pension benefits or conversion of your partner pension. With effect from 1 January 2024, you will also be able to withdraw a lump sum from your pension (up to 10%). Go to the website for a complete overview of your choices.