To keep up with price inflation, it's important that your pension rises as well. And that will be happening for the year 2022. We will inform you of the final percentage in early January.
As at 30 September 2022, the pension fund's policy funding ratio was 122%, which is high enough to allow partial indexation of your pension for the year 2022. As you might already know, this is attributable to rising interest rates.
Future-proof indexation
Indexation is conditional on the pension fund being able to grant the indexation to all participants in the long term. We call this future-proof indexation, as it helps divide the increase across all generations.
Relaxed measures
You might have read in the media that pension funds are allowed to apply relaxed measures thanks to the new national Pension Accord. The policy funding ratio threshold has been lowered to 105%, which means pension funds are allowed to increase pensions sooner. However, indexation is only allowed if the pension fund confirms that it intends to apply the new pension rules to pension rights accrued in the past (“invaren”). Since 1 October 2022, pensions for employees of NN are accrued through BeFrank. The board of NN CDC Pensioenfonds will explore the future of the pension fund in the coming year. This means the pension fund cannot confirm that it intends to apply the new pension rules to pension rights accrued in the past (“invaren”), so the pension fund cannot make use of the relaxed rules for indexation at this point in time.
Final percentage
We will determine the final percentage carefully, bearing in mind a long-term horizon. In January, we will inform you through our regular channels, the website and our newsletter. We will send you your personal annual letter in February.