The fine print
NN CDC Pensioenfonds is committed to being transparent and helping you make well-informed pension decisions that tie in with your phases in life. Pension is a complicated but also very relevant issue. Basic information is provided by this website. If you want to know exact details, you should check the fund documents.
The articles of association contain among other things our governance model and the arrangement of the legal independence of the fund. The pension regulations describe the CDC pension plan in detail and what you, as a participant of this plan, are entitled to. Do you want to transfer your pension value if you find another job? Is your pension date approaching and do you consider to vary your pension, like earlier or later retirement or conversion of your partner pension? The tablebook contains the calculation factors we apply.
The ABTN includes among other things how the implementation of the CDC pension plan has been organized, as well as all policy choices. You find our policy for the fees to directors and supervisors in the remuneration policy.
The ‘klachten en geschillenregeling’ describes the way we deal with complaints and disputes. It is possible to submit the fund’s decision to the Ombudsman Pensioenen.