In 2020, 2021 and 2022, your pension accrual rate was reduced. As a result, the amount of pension benefits you get when you retire will be lower as well. Unfortunately, the pension fund cannot supplement the deficit, so setting aside your own savings is a good alternative.
In December the pension fund informed you the targeted accrual rate would be lowered from 1.875% to 1.5%. The reason is that as a result of low interest rates the pension contributions are not sufficient to fund the maximum accrual rate allowable under Dutch tax law. Read the news article regarding the execution of your pension in 2022.
Your own savings
A lower accrual rate will affect the amount of pension benefits you’ll get from the pension fund when you retire. Neither the pension fund nor the employer can supplement the deficit by making an additional contribution or a deposit from their own funds. And participants are not allowed to make additional deposits into the pension plan either. However, you do have multiple options for setting aside your own savings for your pension. See the options here.
Online participants’ portal and the Pension Planner
The sooner you get a grip on your current and future financial situation, the easier it is for you to anticipate. If you need any help in this process, log into the participants’ portal (Deelnemersportaal) or the Pension Planner.